Frequently Asked Questions

Is cash on delivery available?
Yes,cash on delivery available above 1000 rupees oreders
  1. You say cash on delivery is not available below 1000 and how to we believe that the goods will be delivered to us?
Yes. Customers need to be alert while making an online transaction. Its always safe to be alert since we are using our hard earned money to buy online. We accept that there are many websites and as seen on tv products which deal with fake products and take money from customers and either deliver them with fake products or empty packages. But even these websites send products by cash on delivery.ย Its understood that you are going to pay cash only after receiving the product in case of cash on delivery. But it doesnt mean that cod or cash on delivery is always trusted method. As the box is not allowed to be opened before paying cash, you dont even know if the product is ย inside or they keep any stone inside and collect money from you.. Above all, cod services are not common and not available for every location and it becomes difficult to keep track of service availability in addition to very high cost of cod facility. The very purpose of online shopping is to make products available at reasonable cost and secure.ย 
But incase of online payment, you always have a bank acknowledgement and proof of payment. Also, for cash on delivery transactions no one is going to verify us whether we have a premises or we are doing a business in place. Whereas to integrate an online payment gateway, bank officers will personally inspect the premises and only after inspection, they allow the payment gateway to be integrated. So comparitively online payment is safer ย and cheaperย than cod transaction.ย As regards our website, all orders placed before 4 pm on any working day will be shipped on the same day of order and order status will be updated with shipping details on the next working day at 11 am. Incase of queries, customers are free to mail us or call us with order numbers at the numbers provided.
  1. I have bought a product from your website and i dont like it. I want refund. Is it possible? (or) i have placed an order and i have received it, but its not as expected (or) the product does not match the colour of my saree or other jewellery i already have? Product is not looking shiny?
If the product sent is different from what is explained and shown in picture then its possible. ย In other cases refund may not be possible but we can surely helpย if you can contact usย  with accurate information.ย All the products are described well with dimensions and clear unedited pictures. Photographs are not scaled to size and for this reason, the products are explained clearly with dimensions. Recent trend in plating colour is matte finish which does not look shiny. So if any product is mentioned matte finish, then it will not look shiny. To avoid complications, customers are requested to go through the product description and pictures carefully before placing order. Asp fashion jewellery can give assurance that the products will be exactly as shown in picture and description. But the colour accuracy may slightly vary from the picture because of quality settings of different monitors and displays. Customers are advised to check the product description and pictures and if they are not sure how these products will suit their requirements, they can send us a mail before placing order. Customers are also welcome to visit our product store in hyderabad to check the product in person.
  1. Other online websites take no questions asked returns till 30 days? Why you are not taking?
Yes. Even we have come across such popular websites who take returns till 30 days. We would like to ask a simple question to you. Suppose if they take a return till 30 days, then what will they do with the product returned to them? Will they destroy it? Answer is not. The same product will be sent to another customer. The logic is, its not feasible for any seller to destroy returned product. They will send the same to other customers and the chain goes on. But asp fashion jewellery does not take returns like that and we can always assure that a brand new products are always shipped to the customer. We show only unedited actual product pictures online
  1. I have bought an earrings from you. Its big for me. Can you exchange for some other products?
We have earrings in all sizes and each product has description with product dimensions. Customers are requested to use a small 15 cms scale to guess the exact size of the earrings using the dimensions we have provided. It takes just few minutes to do that. Some customers require big size earrings and some require small size earrings. But photograph shown is not scaled to size. For that reason we have measured the height and width of the product and mentioned in description. We can take returns, if the product sent is not as shown in picture and not as per dimensions mentioned in description. In other cases, we can help you if you can contact us with accurate information. Logistic expenses are very high, the time involved in product transit and also to ensure only new products are shipped to each customers.ย 
  1. I have bought a pair of bangles. The size is not suitable for me?
Normally, we maintain 3 sizes of bangles. They are 2.4, 2.6 and 2.8. But this is just size number and it has no relation with size. Many customers think that 2.6 means 2.6 inches. This is not true. Customer can google indian bangle size chart and they will be getting help about determining their size. Or they can measure the bangles which they already use. 2.4 is 57 mm inner diameter, 2.6 is 60 mm inner diameter and 2.8 is 63 mm inner diameter. Still if customers have doubt, they can mail us for help before placing order.
  1. I tried to place an order. My amount is debited and i have not received any confirmation mail?
This may happen in two circumstances. One is wrong email id and other is network issues. Wrong email id issue can be fixed by sending us a mail from correct email id about order confirmation. Incase of amount debited without order confirmation due to network issues or because of card issuing bank taking too much time to respond etc, the amount will be automatically refunded. Incase if the amount is not refunded, then customers can contact us so that we can get it done by coordinating with our payment gateway bank. In those cases if the shopping cart of the customers have to be restored, they can contact us so that we can help you in restoring the cart and customers need not spend time in adding the products again to cart. The payments which are debited without order confirmation will be automtically refunded and the time taken to ย reflect in the account of the customer may take 7 to 10 working days. But customers are requested to send a mail to if they have received no confirmation mail after the payment.
  1. I am not sure about the security of your website. How secure is your website for using my card?
We can very well assure you that our site is more secure than any other website as regards payment. This is because asp fashion jewellery never accepts any card details and never stores any card information. After reviewing order, while customers click the payment button, they are automatically taken to a secure https website. Its a direct bank payment page. Only after confiming the payment, customers will be redirected again to asp fashion website. In a way, we do not know which card you are using at all..
  1. I have chosen a necklace. I dont want the earrings or i want to chose an earrings which is shown in some other necklace set?
The products are combined with matching earrings only. Its not possible to mix and match between earrings shown in one necklace set with earrings shown in other necklace set.ย 
  1. I dont have credit card, debit card or any kind of online payment method. How do i buy?
Online payment is convenient and makes the process of order processing and shipping faster. But in certain cases, if this is not possible, then please send us a mail with your product requirements and full shipping address with working phone numbers. Once we receive a mail, we can update you with bank details for payment.ย 
  1. I have a picture of a jewellery design. Can you make it for me?
Customers please note that we dont makeย custom designs.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 
  1. I am also doing online business. I want your pictures without watermark. I will let you know once i have sold the item?
We sell only products and not pictures. Pictures which are uploaded in our website are meant for viewing the designs only.ย 
  1. I am checking tracking information in the courier company website and tracking says consignee not available or door locked. I was inside waiting for the package?
In some cases there may be genuine reasons that the door might have been locked or security guard might have not allowed etc... But in most cases, we find that the courier people are loaded with lot of packages are not able to complete the delivery and update wrong tracking information . We have already raised this issue with them not to update wrong tracking information.ย 
  1. I tried to place an order and my card was declined by the bank and made several attempts, the shopping cart has become empty. Should i add all items to cart again?
Not necessary. We can restore your cart if details of order like email id, order value etc are sent to our email address. We will update you once the cart is restored and you will be able to see all the items in cart again after refreshing the page from the same system or mobile or tab in whichver system the payment was tried.
  1. I was browsing your website for designs and when i mouse over a product, it showed some other advertisement and i was redirected to some other website?
Asp fashion jewellery does not show any kind of adverstisement of any other website. We do not show any url links which diverts to other price comparison websites. If your browser gives you such advertisement, this should be some kind of malware which has infected your browser. This is not safe as your important information might get tracked. In such circumstances search google or get in touch with system service personnel to get the infection removed from your browser.
  1. I received one of the pictures shown in your website from some otherย whatsapp number and the price was lower than shown in the website. I gave order and the product is not as shown in picture?
Asp fashion jewellery can assure that the products which are shown in the website will be as shown only if the orders are placed at asp fashion jewellery .there are many sellers, who copy the design and make a fresh piece with cheap raw materials made of zinc alloy and give it at very low prices. But the finishing will not be original. We have received many such complaints from customer who get the pictures that are shown in our website. Asp fashion jewellery is not responsible for any such loss arising out ofย  such transactions.ย 
  1. I want to buy a product, but before buying i want to see the product. Because there may be difference between pictures and actual item. Your description and image may be correct, but what if we feel that it is not expected and we need to return? You are also not providing cash on delivery facility?
As we have explained well in the above terms and also through product description, we send only products shown in description and pictures. But when you receive it and see it in person, there may be a slight variation since each monitor setting is different and the lighting source and reflection of some other colour objects nearby the jewellery may affect the look. We take pictures using a normal cfl soft light.
  • Since this is an online transaction, it is practically not possible to provide a touch and feel satisfaction to buy a product. Incase if customers need to see the product, then they have few choices. They can visit out physical store and the contact details available in contact us page. Customers are welcome and have a look at the product before buying.ย 
  • Each and every order is processed with individual attention and products are checked thoroughly before packing. Again each product is individually bubble wrapped and than inside a box which can withstand normal physical handling by courier companies. The products will be delivered to the customers in 100 percent perfect condition.
  • Shipping or courier service providers are not giving us free service. So, it is not practically possible to send orders on sale or return basis. We can assure that only product shown in pictures and description as per dimensions mentioned in the product description are sent to customers. But we can always assure that your hard earned money will not go waste. We can help you solve the issues if any provided you contact us with information
  • Due to competitive business environment, the margin of operation has gone down and we are forced to do business with limited resources and small margin. But other big multi vendor websites are offering all kinds of services including no questions asked return. So, if any customer want to see and then return the product, then they ย are free to buy from such no questions asked return policy offering websites. But we are very sure that the quality of the products offered by such websites will no way match our products.
  • Cash on delivery service though comfortable to customers, is much pain for the online sellers as more than 50 percent of orders are returned back due to various reasons like customer premises closed, customer not available, incorrect address, customer rejected, theft in transit etc and the problems keep on growing and we end up paying for all the orders as if the order was successfully delivered. This is not possible for small business like ours since we have to depend on our own funds and we dont have funding from big business.